Is Your Gucci Bag Fake?

1. The Retailer The Gucci store, Saks Fifth Avenue, Barney’s: these are the types of places where an authentic Gucci bag can be found. A card table on a New […]

1. The Retailer

The Gucci store, Saks Fifth Avenue, Barney’s: these are the types of places where an authentic Gucci bag can be found. A card table on a New York street corner or a discount website based out of China are not. Gucci’s website lists all of it’s retailers, so if you find a bag and you’re not sure if it’s real, check it out online to be sure.

2. The Logo

There are so many details on a Gucci bag that it’s almost impossible for a counterfeiter to produce an accurate replica. Are you buying the double G famous logo bag? If so, is the logo an actual G? Make sure you study the logo of the authentic bag, so when you are confronted with a fake you will be absolutely sure that it is what it is. Many fake Gucci bags have odd or outdated logos. The logos should be on the inside of the bag; the zippers and the bag should come with an identification card.

3. The Price

The truest testament to the bag’s authenticity? The price tag. Though you can find an out-of-season bag on sale, Gucci is a status label for a reason. The handbags aren’t cheap. Be ready to pay hundreds for a logo bag (even an old one) and thousands for their specialty bags. If you got it for $19.99, it is fake.

4. The Extras

Does it come with the extras? A real Gucci bag coming from an authorized retailer and would come with a dust bag, a Gucci box, etc. Gucci’s dust bags are heavy-duty, so even a lightweight or flimsy dust bag could be a sign. If the purse is wrapped in plastic, chances are you are buying a fake and if the tag is attached with a plastic loop, then it is DEFINITELY fake.

5. The Quality

Feel the bag. Authentic Gucci handbags are made from a high-quality, heavy-duty material. If you are hesitant about the material, you likely have a knockoff. Gucci merchandise is built to last, so if there is any (and we mean any) fraying in the stitching or embroidery, you’ve most likely got a fake. Studied the bag and still aren’t sure? When in doubt, walk away. A fashionista like yourself will have plenty of opportunities to find a good bag for a good deal.

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